Wonder Creativity Festival WONDER Festival • Kortrijk • 17.10 – 03.11.2024

From vintage to virtual

From vintage to virtual
During WONDER, Bib Kortrijk - team Allemaal Digitaal offers an extensive workshop programme.  Step into an 80s setting and be transported to a time when technology was still just getting started. You experience the atmosphere of an era without today's digital tools. Be surprised as you look back on the past and at the same time look ahead to the future, where the power of digital innovation will guide you. 


The library's window displays transport you to a time when technology was in its infancy. You sniff the atmosphere of an era without today's digital tools. Be surprised as you look back at the past while looking forward to the future, where the power of digital innovation will help you move forward as well. Be sure to take a look, which items do you all recognize?


During opening hours you will also find some inspiring quotes and some statements at the front of the library itself that you can respond to.


Another small addition as part of Digital Month is the Apptronic in the central library that will show visitors which app suits them. The apptronic is sometimes supported by an appdokter, where you can also ask all your (app) questions. Below are the times when the appdokter will be present:
  • 19/10 10-12h
  • 23/10 14-16h
  • 26/10 10-12h
  • 30/10 14-16h


We also do another fun game via a tablet, where people have to say what is made by a human and what is made by AI. You can also do that during central library opening hours.

Organised by

Bib Kortrijk - team Allemaal Digitaal


Leiestraat 30
Wonder Creativity Festival