Wonder Creativity Festival WONDER Festival • Kortrijk • 17.10 – 03.11.2024


Discover the designers of tomorrow

WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION is exhibiting, for the 10th year in a row, the designers to keep an eye on. Every year since 2014, Designregio Kortrijk and its partners have been looking for the most promising young designers from Belgium's creative design scene. This year, 44 projects were selected by a jury, from architecture to product design, and from graphic design to game design.

Graphic design by Lucas Vermeire and Corneel Vaneeckhout.
Scenography by Arne Desmet (Fractall) in collaboration with Gyproc Saint-Gobain

Selected exhibitors

Amber De Maertelaere – Arteveldehogeschool – Bachelor Cross-media ontwerp: Graphic Design - “RYOKOO”
Anna Sarkisova – Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen – Master Grafisch Ontwerp – “Don’t go to stop but stop to cross to go again”
Anna-Lisa Custers – Universiteit Hasselt – Master Architectuur – “Domus Memoria.”
Anouk Meurice – KU Leuven Sint-Lucas Gent – Master Architectuur – “Het dorp draait door” en “De zoektocht naar verloren kwetsbaarheid”
Anouk Ostyn – LUCA School of Arts Gent – Master Textielontwerp – “Time-Made”
Anton Vervoort – Universiteit Antwerpen – Master Productontwikkeling – “Ecologisch bestrijden van blauwalgen”

Audrey De Vleeschauwer, Jan-Frederik De Graaf & Noor De Weirdt – Howest – Bachelor Devine – “Schouwspielerei”
Axelle Delboo – Howest – Bachelor Industrieel Productontwerpen – “Puppet Chair”
Cas Reynders – LUCA School of Arts Genk – Master Productdesign – “Vlaamse Materie”
Dragan Marinkovic – LUCA School of Arts Gent – Master in Beeldende Kunst/Grafisch Ontwerp – “Tussenruimte”
Ella Maes - KU Leuven Sint-Lucas Brussel – Master Architectuur – “Barbican Makers”
Ellen Klinckhaemers – LUCA School of Arts Genk – Master Productdesign – “Stof tot nadenken”
Emma Comer – LUCA School of Arts Gent – Master Textielontwerp – “Het spel: een zoektocht naar wat verloren lijkt”
Fien Meizler – KASK School of Arts Gent – Bachelor interieurvormgeving – “Terramo”
Hazel Van Genechten – KU Leuven Sint-Lucas Gent – Master Architectuur – “Hide and seek: a way of looking”
Ilgün Izzet – Universiteit Hasselt – Master Interieurarchitectuur – “Re-readings: The Red Hall in Pergamon as an Apparatus of Urban Fabric”
Inès Vaughan – La Cambre – Master Industrial Design– “GALBA”
Işil Yücel – KU Leuven Sint-Lucas Gent – Master Architectuur – “A piece of Earth”
Jef Van Weyenberg – Howest – Bachelor Industrieel Productontwerpen – “ICA”
Julie Verbeke – Howest – Bachelor Industrieel Productontwerpen – “JEVU Atl.”
Juliette Bouckaert – LUCA School of Arts Gent – Master Grafisch Ontwerp – “RSV(I)P”
Kato Herbots – LUCA School of Arts Genk – Master Productdesign – “Residents of Solar Space”
Kika Lathouwers – Sint Lucas Antwerpen – Master beeldende kunst, digitale context – “Reimagine Book Design”
Laura Libberecht – KU Leuven Sint-Lucas Gent – Master Architectuur – “Imitatie en manipulatie van het Derde Landschap”
Leonie Overmeire – KU Leuven Sint-Lucas Gent – Master Architectuur – “Ruimtelijke flirts: over nachtvlinders en netwerkfouten”
Lisa Vanlandschoot – LUCA School of Arts Gent – Professionele bachelor Visual Design, afstudeerrichting: grafische studio – “KUT”
Lotte Impens – LUCA School of Arts Gent – Professionele bachelor Visual Design – “Wisselvallig”
Luca van Driessch – Howest – Bachelor Industrieel Productontwerpen – “Cuban watch strap”
Luca Vanhoutvin – LUCA School of Arts Brussel – Master Media & Information Design – “Where Does The Blasphemer Go On Sunday?”
Lukas Vandeweege – Thomas More – Voortgezette Opleiding Meubel Ontwerp (VOMO) – “Lukas Miel MEUBELEN lage kast”
Maja Wrzeszcz – KU Leuven Sint-Lucas Brussel – Master Architectuur – “Lessons from industry – an open workshop”
Margit Verbeke – Howest – Bachelor Industrieel Productontwerpen – “Shallow - a lavatory sink with integrated faucet”
Margo Steel – LUCA School of Arts Gent – Bachelor Interieurvormgeving – “Public Living Room”
Marie Kint – Universiteit Gent Campus Kortrijk – Master Industrieel Ontwerpen – “Herbruikbare verpakking in product-servicesysteem”
Marthe Van Rompaey – KU Leuven Sint-Lucas Gent – Master Interieurarchitectuur – “Rethinking Anthropocene Architecture At Altitude”
Natalia Hos – Sint Lucas Antwerpen – Master of Visual Arts – “My mother is a human”
Nona Van Laethem – Thomas More –Voortgezette Opleiding Meubel Ontwerp (VOMO)  – “Suki”
Nora Palmen, Dries Van Belle, Youp Tulpin – KASK School of Arts Gent – Bachelor interieurvormgeving, focus Meubel en Design – “Analoge koffie”
Reine Pinxten – LUCA School of Arts Genk – Master Productdesign – “Soelaas, Migraine management”
Sander De Keukelaere, Evie Verstappen, Lee Vangraefschepe, Nina Krutkytė, Niyash Khadka, Robbe Mahieu – Howest – Bachelor Digital Arts and Entertainment – “Don’t Forget”
Stijn J. Vos – LUCA School of Arts Genk – Master Productdesign – “Uit Belgische Tuin”
Tosin Thompson – Howest – Bachelor Industrieel Productontwerpen – “Adapt”
Yanni Timmerman – Thomas More –Voortgezette Opleiding Meubel Ontwerp (VOMO)  – “Memento” 

Organised by

Designregio Kortrijk


Budafabriek (Start)
Dam 2a
Wonder Creativity Festival