Wonder Creativity Festival WONDER Festival • Kortrijk • 17.10 – 03.11.2024

Letters op maat

Letters op maat
‘Letters ‘op maat’ is a typographic project. The design, research and finalisation of a complete typeface(s) in function of or in imitation of a typo(graphic application) such as a logo, a poster, corporate identity. The repetitive research into new typographic/graphic possibilities to extend a typeface is surprising each time. Matching a specific problem definition with the right methodical environment, is an inspiring balancing act. It is a creative tool.
"What fascinates me most is the design process: building, refining and improving. Exploring new typographic possibilities surprises every time."
The ‘Letters op maat’ project was awarded with the Henry van de Velde Award 2024 in the Graphics category in January 2024. In August 2024, Erik Desombere received the City of Menen's Culture Prize 2024 in the category ‘special cultural or artistic achievement/activity’ for his artistic research on letters and typography. 

Organised by

Erik Desombere


Buda Kitchen
Budastraat 52
Wonder Creativity Festival